New Year for a Healthier, Fitter You
New Year is just around the corner and I bet you are already getting that new years reslutation list ready and as always becoming Healthier is near the top of that list. So here's a few tips to help you on your way.
1) Never tell yourself you CAN'T have something. Start by cutting back on things and soon you will only be wanting them once in a while.
2)Make your portion sizes smaller
3) Start prepping your meals for the week or at least right what you will be eating that week so it stops you from making bad choices.
4) Throw out your biscuit tin and keep healthier options in your cuboards
5) If you are starting your fitness journey make sure you can fit it in to your day to day lifestyle. Making it apart pf your everyday will be easier to keep it up.
6) Find people who will help encourage you not make you feel guilty about your new lifestyle.
7) Except that people will have negative things to say and want be as supportive as you would like them to be but know that's OK. Just remember you are doing this for you and no one else.
8) Most Importantly make sure you enjoy your workouts. Always give a class a few goes before you make your mind up it won't be easy at first but YOU WILL GET BETTER.
9) Make sure you can fit in your exercise at least 3 days a week and don't over do it as this can be unrealistic if you want to continue this for life.
10) And finally always make sure you NEVER GIVE UP and always remember why you started on this journey.